Russia,  Saint Petersburg

Myths and legends of St. Petersburg

    Petersburg, a city built on bones, in a swamp, a city afraid of the sun, a city covered with legends about people walled up in walls, about ghosts and even mermaids in the Neva.
Mysterious rumors still circulate in St. Petersburg, but the city is in no hurry to reveal its secrets.
Let’s take a walk and try to reveal some of them.

The ghost of the Mikhailovsky Castle   

   The castle belonged to Emperor Paul 1, where he lived only 40 days after the completion of construction. It is noteworthy that this very place used to be the summer palace of the Empress, where the future ruler was born. In 1801, Paul was strangled by conspirators. a restless spirit wanders around the castle. If you look at the windows of the emperor’s bedroom at midnight, you can see flashes of light. There are even night excursions around the castle. It is also interesting that the inscription above the castle gates consists of 46 letters. This is exactly how old Paul 1 was at the time of his death. , and from the moment of accession to the throne and until his death, 40 months passed. And at the monument to Peter 1, which stands opposite the castle, one leg of a horse … human. Although, maybe this is just an optical illusion.

Horses on the Anichkov bridge

   Four horses have their own characteristics. Two of them are shod, and two are not. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that there used to be forges there, and those that go to the forges, without horseshoes, and back, with horseshoes. one of the horses, you can see something similar to a face .. on the genitals. There is a legend that the sculptor took revenge on his wife’s lover.

Griffin tower

   For a long time, local residents complained about the noise of wings at night, and asked the police to investigate this case, there was even an advertisement in the local newspaper (which was lost)) that they saw griffins near the tower. And here lived the pharmacist Pell, who during his experiments and opened this door between the worlds. He had to make the griffins invisible again, but they could not leave. Now every full moon you can see the reflection of griffins in the windows of houses and hear the sound of their wings. It is not for nothing that the code of the Universe itself is encrypted in the numbered bricks of the tower. will gain immortality.

Nikolskoye cemetery

   It is dangerous to meet a huge black cat here. Because in fact it is not a cat, but a warlock. There is a legend about the healer Procopius, who lived next to the cemetery and healed people, making medicines from human bones. Once the devil came to him and offered a bargain, a soul in exchange for an elixir of immortality. The temptation was too great. Procopius had to bring the sinner, deprive her of her eyes and tongue, and drink the collected blood until dawn. But he did not have time, and with the first ray of the sun turned into a rotting corpse. and one leg Since then, the black cat has hunted belated passers-by.


   The rotunda is located in a residential building on Gorokhovaya Street. There is a legend about the involvement of Freemasons in this building. Here lived a famous Mason and conducted initiation rites in the basement. Then the famous bandit Lyonka Panteleev hid in this basement, leaving from surveillance, he jumped into the basement and ended up in another place Petersburg. In the basement they were looking for the treasures allegedly hidden there for a long time .. They tell the story of how the boy went down to the basement and immediately left as an old man. As if he got into a portal in time. Now it is walled up. There are only 6 columns in the rotunda, but you can see the shadow of the seventh column. That rituals are held here for the prince of darkness and the house of Rasputin is located nearby. At one time there was a brothel. If you write a wish on the walls, it will come true. And when you come at midnight and stand on the pentagram in the center, you can call Satan. It was for this purpose, in kingly times,a girl came there because of unhappy love, and the next morning her lover was found dead in bed with no signs of violent death. In the 80s one student stayed there after midnight, because he wanted to get rich, no one else saw him. Climbing a cast-iron staircase with your eyes closed, you will never reach the end. The tenants of the apartments also disappeared here. And whoever spends the night in the rotunda and tries to pray to God can go crazy. If you whisper the phrase while standing with your face to the wall, then it will be heard not only by everyone present, but it will fly in a circle and return to the speaker. As if someone is whispering your words in your ear. These are the features of the acoustics of this place. In Soviet times, the rotunda was called the “Center of the Universe”, informal youth subcultures and rock musicians. The largest inscription in Soviet times was “Leave hope, everyone who enters here.”Residents have long struggled with the constant pilgrimage to the Rotunda, now they only ask not to make noise or litter, but you can get there by prior arrangement.

Rasputin’s apartment

   The royal doctor is the most mystical figure of that time. The youngest son of the king was sick with hemophilia. And according to the queen, only he could keep the prince in good health. People came to him from all the capitals, and he also enjoyed incredible success with women. After his death, Rasputin went to the Yusupov Palace, where he was killed. Moreover, he did not want to die for a long time and had to tinker with him, nothing took the mysterious old man. After death, the ghost returned to his house and the sounds of footsteps and voices are still heard there at night.

Sphinxes in front of the Academy of Arts

   They were brought from Thebes. There they guarded the entrance to the tomb and were not happy to be disturbed. They say that the signs carved on them are an ancient spell, in the rituals of which corpses were used. During the day, you can notice how the expression on the face of sphinxes. It is believed that they have never got used to their new homeland, and in the evenings they look ominous. It is noteworthy that all drowned people are drawn to this place.

Griffins on the embankment of the Neva

   At the descent to the water there are granite benches on the sides of which miniature (compared to the Sphinxes) griffins stand guard. Anyone can go down to them and check their ability to fulfill wishes. To do this, you need to put your hand in your mouth and take a tooth. If you stroke the wing, the career will go up, if the paw will always be with good luck, and there will be peace in the house. And if you stroke the head and look into the eyes of the sphinxun opposite, then any most cherished desire will come true.

Aztec gods in the courtyard of the Kunstkamera

   In the courtyard of the famous Kunstkamera, which keeps the alcoholized freaks, there are strange idols that came here during the expedition to South America from Colombia. They guarded the entrances to the underground tombs of the leaders. Plaster casts were taken from them, on which they were made. copies in 1913. The idols were stored in a barn, where they survived both the revolution and the war. Then they were placed in a courtyard, which looked like an ancient temple. Visitors attach mystical meaning to them, and even make wishes in the center of the circle.


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