
From Chile with love

Everyone has their own reasons for immigration. Sometimes things go the way they should.

Everyone has their own adaptation to a foreign country, mentality, but, of course, they want to preserve a piece of their culture, their Russian soul.
This is exactly what Marina Ryabova did, who left her country many years ago and started a new life on another continent. She created a house in the Russian style, started a farm. Prepares Russian food for everyone, organizes summer camps for Russian children of immigrants. Introduces Russian culture and traditions, sells farm products. Celebrates Russian holidays.
Tell us a little about yourself, how did you end up in Chile?
 I was born in Estonia in 1963. Graduated from Saratov University in 1985, Department of Psychology. At the university she participated in communist construction brigade “Comrade”, earned money we transferred to Chile to fight Pinochet. This is how I met my husband, he is a Chilean communist, was forced to leave Chile after coup, studied at the Peoples’ Friendship University, after graduation left for Chile.
How did you come up with the idea to create a farm and cultural center?
My mother-in-law used to live on this farm, after her death we came here.
Before that they lived in Santiago. From the very beginning, I had the idea to practice agrarian tourism, as it becomes more and more popular in Chile.
In Santiago, for many years, I was a member of the Coordinating Council of Russian Compatriots and was engaged in the dissemination of Russian culture, therefore, I continue this work here, as far as possible. Showing Russian films for tourists and neighbors, I tell about the history of Russia, about life in the Soviet Union, I cook Russian food and teach everyone to cook.
How interesting is Russian culture to Chileans, how many Russians live in your area?
The majority of the population’s opinion about Russia was created on the basis of Hollywood films about Soviet spies, so often it is not fundamentally true and this I am trying to change. Ordinary people know very little about Russia, in mostly a little folk dances and songs. About our artists, writers, musicians, science, almost nothing, so there is no end to the work.
There are not many Russians in our region. Mostly these are young girls, recently married Chileans with small children, and we live quite far from each other, so we often do not meet.
How popular was your idea, how many Russian tourists come?
I have been living on the farm for 6 years. I have been doing a summer camp for Russian children for three years
from Santiago. I teach them Russian culture and various activities that bring them closer to the culture of the natural environment. I am lucky to have a river and a beach on my land 25 minutes away. Children leave happy and learn a lot about Russian traditions. 
For the past two years, due to the pandemic, this has not been possible. Tourists
still a little.
How difficult was it to create a tourist facility?
I am still creating a tourist object, while there is a house in which I live and receive tourists, a garden, a vegetable garden, a forest. It is not that simple. Chile dear a country and something to build is not cheap.
Have you found understanding from your loved ones?
 I was well received when I arrived in the village of San Jose de la Marikina, and people were very supportive of me, of course, they found me exotic due to the fact that I am a foreigner and I do not speak Spanish, but I quickly integrated into the activities of my son’s school. I had experience working as a psychologist and helped at school in various activities.
My oldest son was 6 years old, and he went to school in the middle of the school year, not knowing Spanish, although he already read Russian, by the end of the year he became the best student in his class. It took me about 1 and a half years to speak Spanish well and I studied mostly
chatting and watching TV shows. I have never taken a Spanish course. The most important thing is not to close in yourself, not to be afraid to make mistakes and want to learn.
seasonal sheep shearing
How different is the perception of Russian culture from Chilean?
The difference is really big. Chileans are more relaxed, they do not make problems out of things that are not so important and live in the present, unlike Russians, who prefer to plan and think more ahead, especially from my Soviet generation.
For me it was a very strong contrast when moving from a socialist country to a capitalist one like Chile.
During my life in Chile, I had the opportunity to talk to a compatriot of mine who was imprisoned in a concentration camp in Germany during World War II. He told me that he was advised to go to Chile or Argentina by a German diplomat who had worked in Latin America for many years, since in these countries it is easiest to adapt for Europeans. And I absolutely agree with that.
It is very easy for Russians to adapt to life in these 2 Latin American countries.
Do tourists come to you from other countries of Latin America and Europe?
Although my project started 3 years ago, I was visited by Russians and Europeans. This allowed me to have a trial period and see what was missing and what could be improved. Because I love everything to be right and will not be satisfied if everything is not. ideally.
What are the main values ​​of Russian culture you are trying to show, do they find understanding?
What I show mainly is Russian and Soviet films translated into Spanish because it is the easiest thing to do and I am currently serving as a cinema for families and neighbors in my area and my city.
Fortunately, there are many films on Mosfilm in Russia with Spanish subtitles.
Another aspect that I show is the culinary one, where traditional Russian food is prepared and at the same time we are talking about culture.
And at the tastings, I answer the questions that are asked, and I really like that, because people have a lot of misinformation about Russia, and through these events I teach the correct understanding.
Russian traditional crafts are also part of my project. I have a small collection of nesting dolls and tableware, based on which I show various types of painting. I also have several sundresses sewn by our compatriot in Santiago.
People usually ask a lot.
What are the tourists most surprised by? What do they like more?
Home atmosphere and food
I make homemade meals from products grown by me in the garden and in the greenhouse, or purchased from neighbors, all products are natural. And my main idea is to make the tourist feel at home. Oddly enough, most eat in the kitchen and don’t use the dining room because they feel more confident and more relaxed with my family.
How has Chilean culture influenced your project?
To be honest, almost nothing. Unless in my library there are quite a few books by Chilean writers and you can read them. In addition to Russian food, I also cook Chilean cuisine.
Regions of Chile are very different from each other, both in weather and culture. I like living in the south of Chile, as it reminds me of Russia most of all. And the people here are kind and open.
I have always lived in the city, but here, I gradually came to understand that living on the land, working on the land, trying to transform, improve, at least a little bit, the land around me is very important. At this stage of my life, for me, this is the most important thing.
What is the reason for the design of the house?
The design is due to the fact that we are trying to preserve the 150-year history of the house, and to make it more functional in order to be able to receive tourists. And of course, my taste, I live in this house and therefore I equip it so that I like it, first of all. Adaptations with Russian influence were made like a hallway, which did not exist before, and here everyone takes off their shoes or puts on shoe covers, although this is not customary in Chile.
What do you grow, in the garden, what animals do you live with?
Almost everything grows in the garden and in the greenhouse (tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, zucchini, etc.).
From fruits: apples, cherries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries …..
Of the animals, at the moment, there are sheep and a horse, their name is Chernichka.
Of course dogs and cats.
What products do you sell, what is its advantage?


I make homemade liqueurs, jams, home canning .. But these last 2 are for personal consumption and I only sell them to my guests..

I sell homemade spirits and honey in different markets or tourist meetings, because I belong to associated and government-supported tourist groups, which allowed me to participate in government competitions and win. For this I receive funding from the Chilean government for my activities. Chile supports entrepreneurs.

You have very beautiful and large dogs. What breed are they?
These huge dogs are of the Great Pyrenean breed and are designed to work with sheep.
Do you hire seasonal workers or do you invite volunteers to work on the farm?
Once I had a Russian woman living and working for 2 months who contacted me via Facebook , which was pretty positive, and I like the idea of ​​doing it like in Europe.
But unfortunately at the moment I cannot do this because I do not have enough space since the available space that I have is dedicated to accommodating tourists. 
But in the future I would like to do this.
The farm is located in the region of Los Rios, Valdivia. San Jose de la Marikina.
Marina Riabova
TELEPHONE: + 56984774034

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