

Easter in Russia comes after a tradition that consists of a 40-day fast, during which you can not eat products of animal origin in order to cleanse the soul.

Preparation for the festivities takes place during Holy Week. People bake Easter cakes, make products from cottage cheese, paint eggs. The tradition of painting eggs arose after Mary Magdalene went to Emperor Tiberius to tell him that Christ had risen, but she was poor and should not leave without a gift, and she took with her a basket of eggs as a symbol of life. The emperor laughed and replied that it is impossible for a white egg to turn red, in the same second, the eggs turned red.

The Easter cake is usually baked on Holy Thursday, on this day the house is cleaned. The Easter cake symbolizes the presence of Christ in our lives, because. the apostles always left him a plate and bread at meals. What kind of cake will turn out, then the family is waiting. Beautiful and lush – good luck and abundance. If it is cracked and ugly, disappointment.

Each family tries to color the eggs as well as possible. During the holidays, family and friends give each other Easter eggs and cakes gathered in the church. Sometimes the eggs turn into real works of art. There is a game. People take the eggs in their hands. and they hit the other’s egg, whoever has it broken loses, and the owner of the surviving egg makes a wish. You can also play for hidden eggs, the one who finds the most wins, but this game is not so popular During the holidays, the tables are especially beautifully decorated, baskets with eggs, fluffy chickens, decorated with Easter cakes with a candle of the church.

Easter cottage cheese is a symbol of the tomb of the risen Christ, so it is in the form of a pyramid with a cross on the side and the letters “ХВ”, “Christ is risen” – this is the first thing they say to each other during the holidays The answer must be: “Truly risen”.

There are many signs and beliefs for Easter. For example, an insect got into the soup – wait for an appointment. Give an egg to the poor for luck. Eyebrows and lips are combed waiting for kisses. If the sun shines on vacation, the summer will be hot, if it is cold it will be rainy. If the girl bumps her elbow, then soon fate will lead her to her fiancé. On Holy Thursday, the “salt of Thursday” is prepared. They are poured into a canvas bag, heated in the oven and consecrated in the church. During the year it can be used in diseases and ailments.

Vacation. the meal should start with the sacred eggs, the easter cottage cheese and the easter cake, then there are the rest of the dishes. The procession takes place in the churches. It starts at 00:00 at night, the Priests with Ceremonial clothes leave the church, carrying the cross, followed by the parishioners with candles. The procession goes around the temple three times with hymns.

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