
About the differences between Russian and Latin American women and about feminism. Reflections of a Hispanic.

If you draw a parallel and travel back in time to discover the origins and evolution of the role of women in South American society, then the right place to start is with the Mapuche culture. History says that the Spaniards were never able to defeat the Mapuche warriors who fought fierce battles and battles and did not allow the Spaniards to invade and conquer their territory, as happened with the Maya, Inca and Aztec peoples and the destruction of their culture.

According to the book “THE WOMAN OF THE MAPUCHE” by Francisca Quilaqueo and what history tells, it is known that the women of the Mapuche were the ones who did all the hard household chores such as chopping wood and tree trunks, preparing food, being farmers and producing their own food. sold these products they produced, developed textile work, were in charge of cultural activities, so they had to learn to play the instruments, take care of their children, and take care of the supply and maintenance of everything the home needed.

Men took care of the birth of children only when the woman asked for it or ordered by the leader of the tribe. The rest of the time they trained for sporting events, a kind of hockey they called “CHUECA,” and the man’s other main occupation was preparing for war. It is for this reason that they were such good warriors and strategists, because they spent most of their time on it.


This is why the woman had such a strong and independent role, because she controlled most of the activities of her own community, and the man was absent most of the time, which forced the woman to develop strong character and self-sufficiency.

The women of the other side, who belonged to the Spanish kingdom, were submissive women, whose main task was to take care of the children and look after the man, they had to organize gatherings and ballroom dancing to distract the men. Women were strictly prohibited from participating in political activities or expressing their opinions on public issues. In general, Spanish culture brought a lot of machismo to South America and since it could not penetrate Mapuche territory, this trend has never been a trend in countries like Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, so you will not find machismo in these countries, they are very respected here. women, which is why the largest number of successful couples between Russians and Latinos are with men from these countries, because they adapt better to the mentality of Russian women.

If you have the opportunity to visit Chile or Argentina, you will be able to find these Mapuche women who wear their typical clothes with pride and have now become icons and examples of the feminist struggle for equal opportunity, for all the strength and wisdom they have developed in their history.

 “We are not princesses, we are warriors” – this simple phrase could sum up the great difference between Russian women and Hispanics .. A conversation about using women’s underwear to fuel passion in intimacy and my admission that I have never had such an experience with a Hispanic woman, caused surprise to my Russian friend, which I tried to explain without much success, questioning my masculinity and my ability to seduce, since it is difficult to explain that this is impossible in Chile and Argentina. But in the end I realized that this is a big cultural difference between Russia and South America.

Usually in the world there is a stereotype that a Hispanic woman is sexy and seductive and pleases her man with closeness and constant attention, but dear readers, this is nothing more than a myth and this is really only in the Caribbean, but in South America and especially in Chile and Argentina or Uruguay it is almost impossible, women in Peru are shy and traditional, and the same is happening in Bolivia. Brazil is a different world, in which the cult of the body, seduction and admiration for beauty are almost part of this country. But in other countries, women may be colder than Siberia in this matter

Recently, the feminist struggle to achieve equality of conditions with men and society has been going on with great zeal. And for this reason, society has changed, and women are expanding their opportunities in their new role of leaders and active participants in society, but clearly very far from the concept of being considered an object or instrument for the happiness and satisfaction of a man and caring less about him. 

It has a lot of logic for an advanced mentality, it has specific actions in which a person must know how to act in this scenario, because otherwise he may have serious problems and he may be considered macho and receive social condemnation.

Phrases such as “women, nor obey, H e shall serve , I LOVE toFUCKING BEAUTIFUL, FREE AND FUN “,” THEY TAKEN SO MUCH FROM US, THAT FINALLY REDUCE FEAR, ” “,” WE ARE NOT HYSTERICIANS, WE ARE HISTORICAL PERSONALITIES. “Reflect a new feminist perspective in which inequality before men was a problem of the past, and many laws have been reached that protect women from injustice or machismo and give them the dignity they deserve, especially harsh laws are for absent husbands who abandon mother and child and do not pay a monthly financial contribution, they are sentenced to prison, and the new law will prevent men with pension and child support debts from obtaining passports.

There is also a Women’s Department under the government, which a woman can call if a man, for example, has thrown dirt in the house. Such a man is forced to attend classes for 2 weeks or 1 month on the topic “How important it is to keep the house clean” or, in case Failure to pay alimony can be imprisonment and lectures for a month on the topic “How important it is to be responsible to your children.” A woman can contact the department for any reason, and measures will be taken against the man.

By the way, if children do not want to go to school, parents can call the police to force them and take them there. Children are always afraid of this. If the child does not show up at school, the teacher can call the police to search for the child and deliver the child to carry out his school duties. This is still the practice.

Through the above, we find a new social reality in which women do not have to put on makeup, dress and be sexy for a man. I know perfectly well that you think that women do not want to look beautiful for men, they do it for themselves, but in South America this mentality is not like that, they choose the option of completely abandoning this trend, because they feel beautiful without being sexy. … They feel beautiful, being more cultured and far from attracting attention, they tend to dress in black or gray and wear sportswear, no makeup. Unlike the Russian woman who is known all over the world for her elegance and beauty, when she walks the streets where no detail is left out and they look very feminine with every clothing they wear and accessories. which accompany many of them, such as handbags, which in South America are used by very few women, preferring backpacks. Shoes are also preferred sneakers or boots .. The emphasis is on comfort, not beauty and style.

But expressing affection is also very important, and it is normal in South America to talk, hold hands or hug between male and female friends, and with a higher level of passion, it is not uncommon to see a woman sitting on her friend’s legs talking or leaning on her feet. Also, you can often see lovers kissing passionately on the street, at the bus stop, in the subway or in the park.

Overall, the big differences come from how South America faces sexuality in which all tendencies are allowed and freedom of lesbianism and homosexuals has a lot of momentum, being new and more accepted trends, they are much more visible than normal sexuality, even the government supports their laws and social protection of sexual freedom, even in health campaigns. You can find posters on the streets in which this trend is part of without any problem.

Trans, student community president of the University of Santiago

All this allows a woman not only to be able to express her sexuality and beauty, she finally focuses on expressing love more than style or elegance. And this love can be expressed to men or women without gender issues, so adopting a sexual style is not an option, usually a neutral style is adopted so as not to seduce because they are looking for love, not sexual attraction.

This is also related to the fact that it is the woman who decides when she will have a child, although sexuality is not condemned and there is no social condemnation of promiscuity, it is the woman who decides when to have a child or not, recent trends indicate that women are more and more are reluctant to have children, and many choose the idea of ​​never being a mother and prioritize their personal projects such as work or travel. The average age at which the first child is born is approximately 29 years old, and this age is becoming more and more recent.

In schools, this entire women’s revolution has brought new content to learn more about women creators, about poetesses, singers, scientists, athletes who have given satisfaction to our society, despite the difficulties. And this content allowed male children from an early age to appreciate the role of women. Thus, these changes will last over time and an effective balance between men and women will be achieved, so that finally the women’s revolution, which to some at first seemed like something absurd, will finally triumph in South America, not to be higher than men, but rather to create better conditions for the development of women. Because in the end a woman is not born a woman, she becomes a woman in the process of life.

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