

The celebration of Saint Peter is one of the most important celebrations for fishermen, coves and ports in Chile. In which his patron San Pedro, one of the Disciples of Jesus, is commemorated. Processions with a figure of the saint are carried out by sea, in boats decorated for the occasion and also by land, accompanied by songs, flowers and dances. This day the fishermen focus their energy so that the development of the festival goes in the best way, in addition to thanking him to ask for his blessing, for family, health and for a good year of work at sea.

The Chilean sea also has its festivals. One of the most important is the one celebrated on June 29, the day on which fishermen celebrate their patron saint in different ports and coves: San Pedro.

In the morning a mass is held and in the afternoon a procession with dances and dances moves through the streets. And the first thing is to go look for the image of the Saint “San Pedro” at the local church, almost always located near the sea or the Pacific Ocean. In the fishermen’s area called “Caleta” and then they take it in a procession through the streets to the beach, where many people were waiting for him.

This day is long awaited by the workers of the sea, but also by the community related to the sea, because it is to San Pedro that the fishermen entrust each time they embark. For this reason, the party is big and the tradition has been maintained for more than 120 years.

In ports and coves of Chile, the image of San Pedro is carried by boat in procession, while the boats honk their horns, which forms a great sound and visual spectacle thanks to the colorful decoration and lights of the boats, specially decorated for the occasion.

The cities with a maritime and fishing tradition in Chile, such as Valparaíso, Iquique and Talcahuano, prepare themselves very happy and excited. Without a doubt, this is a tradition that has been maintained over the years and that is gaining strength every day as a massive celebration that brings together families and the community around work at sea.

The origins of celebration of San Pedro are in the celebration that the Church makes of San Pedro and San Pablo, known officially as the solemnity of San Pedro and San Pablo. It is the date on which the martyrdom in Rome of the Apostles Simon Peter and Paul of Tarsus is commemorated, which is celebrated every June 29 and this date is the one chosen to commemorate the Patron Saint of the sea so that he multiplies the abundance of fish for the artisanal fishermen.

The celebrations, in addition to the traditional procession by the sea, contemplate the participation of various religious dances in the area, among other activities such as fried fish tasting for the attendees, live music, a great carnival with Buenos Aires and regional comparsas, which It starts at 8:30 am and ends at night surrounded by a great family spirit.

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