Cusco,  Peru



   There are no direct flights from Santiago to Cusco, so I had to change trains in Lim. They took only hand luggage with them, and left everything else in the locker at Santiago airport.

   Already in Lima, I felt how high the humidity is here, the air seemed to be cut with a knife. At the airport, everything points to the proximity of Machu Picchu and the national brand of alpaca.

   The rate of Peruvian salt to the ruble is 1:22, everything is more expensive than in Chile. And, most importantly, their sockets do not fit our plugs, We used a powerbank. The time difference is still -1 hour, for a total of -8 hours.

   In Cusco, right at the airport, at the exit, there are offices where you can buy tickets for Machu Picchu, and fully plan your trip, get a map and all the information.

   We rented taxis for the whole day, of which there are many and you can bargain. I would prefer to walk everywhere, take leisurely pictures and enjoy the atmosphere, but the deadlines were tight. In the center of Cusco, as it should be, there is a cathedral. Peruvians in national clothes with small alpacas go everywhere. and offer to be photographed, however, and pose themselves with pleasure. You can buy a souvenir in the form of an alpaca, they are made of real wool, in different sizes, and look very cute. Each one has a multi-colored Peruvian hat.

   Street food is cooked right in front of you, you can choose the ingredients. It’s something like a hamburger with meat and vegetables. Meat is fried here. It was a little scary to try street food where the meat lasts all day, without a refrigerator, not even covered with anything, but local assured that it must have be tasted, must try.

   In Cusco, you can buy coca leaves, sweets with coca, tea, etc. If you chew it, you can get rid of the symptoms of “mountain sickness.” It did not help me. My head slowly ached all day and only a night’s sleep saved me from it.

   The city looks mystical, labyrinths of streets with unexpected turns lead to the next sight.

   The driver took us to the market with the production of alpaca wool, in the village of Chincherro. There the girls showed how the wool is processed, how it is dyed, all dyes are only natural. There are also alpacas, you can iron them and feed them. Goodbye they even showed us an impromptu concert, sang a local comic song and gave them delicious tea.

   We did not have time to see the mysterious circles of Moraia. We had to not be late for the train to “Aguas Calientes”, from where in the morning we went to Machu Picchu.

   After visiting Cusco, I wanted to explore this country more. To plunge into its unique flavor. Peru has a very rich ancient heritage, and to study it, it will take at least a month, according to the locals. I hope to come back here someday.

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