
Guide to non-tourist places in St. Petersburg and its environs

In St. Petersburg, everyone can find entertainment to their liking. Along with the famous Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, Palace Square and the cruiser “Aurora”, there are cozy places that give their own special charm to the city. Hidden from the eyes, but no less interesting, conveying their own flavor and atmosphere.

It will be useful for both guests of the city and foreign guests.

A selection of non-tourist places in St. Petersburg

1) New Holland /

Former shipyards of Peter I. They were closed for a very long time, now there is space for recreation, exhibitions. Movie screenings right on the street. In winter, the skating rink is flooded. Fujizone, master classes and classes.

2) Mariinka Square /

Opened in May 2022. Previously, only deputies of the Legislative Assembly walked here. The garden is open only on weekends from 10 am to 7 pm.

3} Nikolsky ranks /

A space with a food court, swings, concerts, fairs and master classes. There are mini golf tournaments. In winter, the largest slide in the city for skiing is flooded.

4) Sevcable port

Art space on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Exhibitions, markets, concerts, dances with live music are organized in it. In winter, the skating rink is flooded. Atmospheric and interesting place.

5) Yard of the Gostinka /

Fairs, a food court, a creative space in the city center where you can hide from the city noise. There is an area with chandeliers, concert venues, murals and art objects.

6) Friendship Garden

It was opened in 2003, in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the city, as a gift from Shanghai, the sister city of St. Petersburg. is a smaller copy of the Shanghai Garden of Joy. The garden is decorated with pines, willows and apple trees. In addition, Japanese sakura grows in the garden, delighting residents with pink flowers.

7) Smolny Colonnade and Sakura Square

Colonnade, 50 meters high, which overlooks the Bolsheokhtinsky bridge and the panorama of the central part of the city. On the colonnade, from the loudspeaker, a story-tour sounds. Below is a square with flower beds and fountains, as well as cherry blossoms in spring.

8) Lumiere hall and courtyard /

The planetarium, arranged in the building of the former gas tank, has a perfectly round shape. The projections transmitted to the walls and ceiling are voluminous, creating the effect of being inside, placed on soft pouffes, on the floor. The famous exhibition “Revived Paintings” by famous artists, whose works move and come to life on the walls of the gas tank, creating the effect of presence.

9) Museum of optics (optical illusions) /

Holograms, optical illusions and everything about optics and the properties of light.

10) Grand-maket Russia /

The layout represents all regions of Russia. Change of day and night, lighting, moving objects.

11) Petrovskaya water area /

The layout shows St. Petersburg and its environs during the reign of Peter I. Moving figurines and equipment, the change of day and night, lighting.

12) Yandex Museum

Collected computer equipment of different generations. Everyone can use and play games. The first robot courier is also presented.

13) Museum of socialist life /

Collected items from the 70s and 80s. Everything can be touched, tried on, played

14) Museum of Soviet slot machines /

Here is a collection of slot machines produced in the USSR since the mid-1970s. Visitors are given old 15-kopeck coins, with the help of which the machines are launched. There is also a vending machine with sparkling water and kvass

15) Colonnade of St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the cathedral itself from the inside

The colonnade is 43 meters high, with a view from 4 sides to the Neva and the city center. 262 steps are numbered, you can keep track of how much is left. An audio guide is broadcast from the loudspeaker.

The construction of the cathedral began in 1818, the construction lasted for 40 years. Inside it has a rich decoration.

16) Mosaic courtyard with a musical fountain /

It was created in the 1980s by Vladimir Lubenko with his students. He opened an art school right in the front of a residential building in this courtyard. Here, too, there is a musical fountain with music and songs by V. Lubenko and a museum-art gallery dedicated to him.

17) Russia is my history. Interactive museum. , historical park. _

The entire history of Russia from ancient times to the present day is presented in a panoramic view here. Multimedia exposition with interactive equipment.

18) Artillery Museum founded by Peter I /

Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps. Military equipment from ancient to modern is presented

19) Museums of military equipment Lenrezerv /

Museum of Miroslava Parfenova

Exhibition of military equipment, times of the Great Patriotic War. Holding events and holidays

20) Museum of Contemporary Art “Erarta” (10 floors of expositions, 5 floors – permanent exhibitions, 5 floors – temporary) /

The largest museum with private collections and exhibitions of contemporary art.

21) The oldest lush St. Petersburg on Konyushennaya

Donuts are a symbol of St. Petersburg. This pastry has been working since 1958 without changing recipes.

22) Restaurant-ship “Volga-Volga” /

Sail under drawbridges while enjoying gourmet food. Watch the Victory salute from the deck. The restaurant has live music, an ideal place for celebrations, a romantic date or enjoying the White Nights of St. Petersburg.

23) Svargas near Vyborg. Historical and Ethnographic Museum

Reconstruction of houses and everyday life of the medieval fortress of the Baltic Slavs in full size Recreation of crafts, clothing and lifestyle of the 8th-12th centuries.

24) Ethno-park “Bogoslovka” /

Museum of Wooden Architecture. Reconstruction of the 18th century On the territory there is a museum with household items of the 18th-19th centuries, a functioning temple, a chapel, a merchant’s house, a utility yard with props.

25) Restaurant “Russian Fishing”, where you yourself fish for dinner, and small Bremen nearby, on the territory of the restaurant “Karl and Friedrich” /

26) Ship Poltava (restored first sailboat of Peter I) /

Reconstruction of the ship launched in 1712, from which the Russian fleet began. Peter I took part in the construction. It was the first battleship laid down and built in the St. Petersburg Admiralty.

27) Museum of Russian Railways (Russian Railways) /

The largest techno park in Europe. You can enter the carriages, presented a multimedia and interactive exposition. Multimedia dramatizations from the 19th and 20th centuries.

28) Museum of the Navy /

One of the oldest museums in Russia. It originates from the repository of shipbuilding drawings, first mentioned in a letter of Peter I in 1709. The exposition is presented from ancient to modern technology.

29) Icebreaker “Krasin”, submarine “Narodovolets” /

The icebreaker was launched in 1916 for the development of the Arctic region. 19 thousand kilometers of Russian borders fall on the Arctic Ocean. Gas, oil, nickel, cobalt, copper, diamonds, etc. are concentrated here. For nine months, these paths are ice-bound, and one cannot do without an icebreaker. At the beginning of the last century, Russia became a leader in the development of the Arctic Ocean. The icebreaker “Krasin” broke the ice of the Arctic for 70 years, saved the Italian expedition (the film “Red Tent” was made about this), which crashed in the ice and a German liner. Residents greeted the ship at the pier as a hero. In 1992, it became a historical monument of national importance. The icebreaker is a member of the worldwide organization of historic ships.

The submarine “Narodovolets” or “D-2” was launched in 1929. During the Great Patriotic War, the boat distinguished itself in combat operations. In the post-war period, it was converted into a training station in the fight for survivability. Also, it tested the air regeneration system for nuclear submarines. In 1989, it became part of the memorial complex dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. In 1993, a museum exposition was opened on the boat.

The icebreaker "Krasin"
The icebreaker "Krasin"
The icebreaker "Krasin"

30) Museum of the Soviet era

The exposition is devoted to the history of the emergence and development of the Soviet Union, the daily life of the Soviet people. Unique things are presented, such as the first electric razor, electric toothbrush, televisions, tracking items.

31) Faberge Museum in the Sheremetyevo Palace /

An unparalleled collection of Russian jewelry and arts and crafts of the 19th and 20th centuries. Imperial Easter eggs created by Faberge are the most valuable and famous items.

32) Ball in Elaginoostrovsky, Ekaterininsky or Yusupov palaces

Ballroom culture of the 19th century in the interiors of palaces in costumes. You will be taught to dance a mazurka, polonaise, etc. They will teach you ballroom etiquette. Together with the manager of the balls, you will learn the “language of the fan”, how to invite to the dance, how to respond.

33) Museum of the St. Petersburg Metro

The museum presents the history of the development of the subway to the present day. Retro trains, old turnstiles, a collection of tokens for paying fares, an imitation of a tunnel, a device from the inside. The metro was built as a “palace for the people”, the very first stations, with columns, stucco and decoration, are works of art.

34) Museum of Russian vodka

The museum shows the history of the appearance of traditional drinks in Russia. From natural products of fermentation, honey and kvass of the 14th century, to the first experiments with cereals. The museum tour ends with a tasting.

35) Dancing on the arrow V.O.

If you like incendiary and passionate Latin American dances, then every weekend, in the evenings, dance schools in St. Petersburg, together with DJs, absolutely free of charge, give dance master classes in the open air .. In the very center of the city, near the Rostral columns. Only in summer time. Several hours of dancing, music and sunset over the Neva. You can dance with a couple or alone. Or, find a couple on the spot) 

Not far from St. Petersburg there are no less interesting ancient cities with a special atmosphere, cozy streets, the ancient Kremlin and a real medieval castle in the former Swedish city of Vyborg. Transport links are well established, in addition to buses, high-speed trains “Lastochki” run.

Near Petersburg  :

Novgorod , Kremlin (+ Vitoslavlitsy, Museum of Wooden Architecture) /

The settlement of these lands by the Slavs began in the 6th century. The city was founded in 859. The ancient Kremlin – Detinets, Yuriev Monastery, the Volkhov River, Yaroslav’s Court, the Millennium of Russia monument, the unique Vitaslavlitsy Museum of Wooden Architecture, the Peryn Skete are far from a complete list of attractions of these places.

Pskov , Kremlin

The city was founded in 903. The ancient Kremlin, the Mirozhsky monastery of the 12th century, famous for the presence of the only one in Russia, according to the degree of preservation, pre-Mongolian frescoes of the cathedral church.

From here you can visit the ancient Izborsk with a fortress, Truvorov settlement, Slovenian springs and the Pskov-Pechora monastery. Also, relatively close, there are Pushkin mountains, which have 3 manor-museums and the Svetlogorsk monastery with Pushkin’s grave, Pushkin’s village and Dovlatov’s house.

Vyborg (+ Monrepos) /

Until 1721, the city was part of Sweden. It was founded in 1293. In 1710, they managed to take the impregnable castle, and in 1721 Vyborg officially became part of the Russian Empire. It is pleasant to walk along the narrow, cobbled streets, soaking up the atmosphere, try the Vyborg pretzel, visit the Mon Repos rock and landscape park. Also, here is the only medieval castle in Russia.

Founded in 1383, at the crossroads of trade routes, as a center of trade and crafts. There are monasteries in the city and religious objects with the famous icon of the Mother of God, with which many miracles are associated, a symbol of the invincibility of faith.


Folklore village on the banks of the Svir River. Ancient houses were brought here from the backwoods of the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions. In the village you can try various crafts, see the life and way of life of the inhabitants. Also, you can visit the Museum of Russian vodka, Lukomorye, ride in horse teams, and in winter slide down the hill.

Kizhi .(wooden architecture) /

Architectural ensemble of the 18th-19th centuries on the shores of Lake Onega. UNESCO World Heritage Site. The first mention of the Spassko-Kizhi parish appears in the 16th century. According to legend, the church was built with one ax, without a single nail, by the carpenter Nestor. After that, he threw the ax into the lake so that no one could repeat such a majestic building.

Valaam /

According to legend, the monastery was founded in the 10th century by Greek monks who preached Christianity in the north of Russia. The fate of the monastery is not simple, as well as its inhabitants. 

The stunning nature of Karelia, monastic cloisters and sketes, fish, sbiten, wooden objects, herbal teas, all this awaits here.


(museum-model of forts)

Founded in 1704 as a port city on the island of Kotlin to protect the approaches from the sea. Famous for its formidable forts. Also, the grandiose park “Museum of Forts”, the park “Patriot” and the museums of the Lighthouse Service, the Model Museum of Forts, Dutch cuisine, etc. The once closed city is simply flooded with marine symbols. A regatta with a holiday and historical reconstructions of the “Sails of Kronstadt” is held annually.

No less interesting are the palace and park ensembles. Once upon a time, luxurious balls were held in them. In some of the palaces, you can get to the ball even now. Just like visiting any palace and park.

Palace and park ensembles:

The palace and park ensemble of 1710, constituting the estate of an associate of Peter I, statesman and military leader, A.D. Menshikov.


Palace of Paul I, built in 1766, and located in the museum-reserve. Also, here is the Priory Palace, built for the knights of the Order of Malta.

Peterhof   with a complex of fountains and the park “Alexandria”

The ensemble of 1712, with a complex of fountains and a landscape park, which is the country residence of Peter I. It was conceived as an architectural structure that is not inferior to the French Versailles. In the park, as entertainment, there are cracker fountains dousing with water, a grotto, ponds. The park is divided into upper and lower with a separate entrance.

Park “Alexandria” (the residence of the emperors from 1830-1917), is located nearby, it is named after Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas II. Shady groves, palace-cottage (summer residence), Farm Palace at a dairy farm, for Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich with a hut for children to play, a garden, a mill and a fortress. Also, the first elevator in Russia was built. It was here that the order to abolish serfdom was discussed. Meadows, flowers, groves, all this is a family nest of 4 generations of the Romanov dynasty.


Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo)

Ensemble 18-19 centuries. Summer grand residence of emperors for two centuries. Has an upper and lower park. Also, future composers and poets lived and studied in Tsarskoye Selo, in particular A.S. Pushkin, whose name is associated with the history of the city, and where his golden years passed. Here is the Amber Room, lost during the war and restored, completely made of amber.

Ensemble of 1782, which is the summer residence of Emperor Paul I

Strelna (Konstantinovsky Palace of Congresses)

Ensemble of 1711 on the coast of the Gulf of Finland.

In 1706, it was necessary to develop the conquered Finnish coast, and Peter I conceived a grand residence here. Here he planned to build estates for members of the imperial family, his wife and two daughters. The Strelna residence was supposed to unite the necklace of estates. The French Versailles was taken as a model. However, due to insufficient height difference, the fountains were moved to the neighboring Peterhof, and the tsar soon died. And only under Elizabeth, after 20 years, the palace began to be completed. Locks, pools, fountains, a French park, greenhouses, a pier were arranged, but the work was not completed. .In 1797, Paul I finally completed the palace (90 years after construction began), and presented it to his son Konstantin. Since that time, the palace became Konstantinovsky. During the war of 1941-45, the palace was completely destroyed, the Germans were adjusting the shelling from here. In 2001, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin, it became the Palace of Congresses, where government meetings are held. However, you can visit the palace if there are no government events in it.

Fortresses :


The fortress of 862, the oldest Russian city, as the place of the reign of Prince Truvor, brother of the Novgorod prince Rurik. In addition to the fortress, here you can see the Truvorovo settlement, ancient Slovenian springs, go to the Pskov-Pechora Monastery.


The fortress was built in 1492, under Ivan III, on the right bank of the Narva. Opposite, on the Estonian coast, is the Narva Castle (German). 

On the territory there is a scenic area for events, medieval churches, and a museum. 

Also, here you can see the area Parusinka, Narva waterfalls


It was founded in 1237 by the German knights of the Levonian Order. It passed from hand to hand to the Russian princes, the Swedes, and already through the efforts of Peter I returned to Russia.

Priozersk, fortress Korela

The fortress was built by Novgorodians to protect against Swedish raids in the 13th-14th centuries. In 1310, a fire destroyed it, and it was remade of wood and earth with a stone tower. The fortress periodically changed hands and served as a prison for political prisoners. Since 1962 it has been a historical museum.

Staraya Ladoga

The first wooden fortification was erected in 862. Here, Prince Rurik settled with his retinue. It can be considered the original capital of ancient Russia. Also, there are ancient churches, monasteries, burial mounds (according to legend, it was here that Prophetic Oleg was bitten by a snake), caves and healing springs. One of them, the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa spring, is located near the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist


The construction of the Porkhov Kremlin began in 1387, by order of Alexander Nevsky. The fortress strengthened the defenses on the outskirts of Novgorod and served as the border between Russia and the Lithuanian principality. On the territory there is St. Nicholas Church and a chapel, in memory of the founder A. Nevsky.

Nobody will be bored in Petersburg. Along with cultural sites, exhibitions and museums, many festivals, events, concerts and performances are held here. Some of them can be visited completely free of charge. Holidays and events are celebrated on a grand scale. Along with cozy art spaces and art galleries, dancing right on the street, friendly residents, the city will never cease to amaze you.

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