

Before Easter there is a Carnival. The house will smell like fragrant pancakes, with sour cream, jam, and there will be no shortage of people who eat caviar, also, of course, with butter. Maslenitsa goes a week before Lent, 7 weeks before Easter, in February-March.

On vacation we spend the winter and we find the spring. Pancakes are the symbol of the sun, they are on everyone’s table to support their radiance and help them gain strength. On the days of the vernal equinox, the weather is changing, winter is fighting with spring, and it is necessary to help spring win winter and come soon.

In the old days, fun was organized, people climbed a pole to get a gift tied up there, jumped around a bonfire, set fire to the wheel with the symbol of the sun, and whoever made the longest lap, you will be lucky in the year.
A pole was made with ribbons that glorified the sun, snow slides, swings and theatrical displays were also built, where you can find representations of fights. The party begins on Sunday. On this day everyone visits and serves meat dishes. All meat must be finished before Lent. On this day, the father-in-law calls to visit the son-in-law

Monday is the “Reunion”. The matchmakers meet and negotiate a joint celebration, while the daughters-in-law visit the parents. They start baking pancakes and making a stuffed carnival doll.

On Tuesday “The Game”. This day is dedicated to the brides. The young people will skate on the slides, on the swings and look at each other to then send matchmakers and after fasting to celebrate the wedding.

Wednesday “Treat”.On this day, the mother-in-law awaits the visit of her son-in-law with pancakes.
“Rampant” Thursday. All work stops. Festivities and assault on Nevada City begin.

Friday «mother-in-law’s night» On this day, the son-in-law visits his mother-in-law with his friends. The daughter cooks the sweets and baked pancakes, and the son-in-law pleases the mother-in-law and shows the guests her respect for the mother-in-law and her relatives.

Saturday “Sisters-in-law”. The young sister-in-law sets pancakes on the table for her sisters-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Single girls organize meetings with friends.

“Sorry” Sunday. On this day, forgiveness is apologized for the wrongs caused during the year. It goes to the graves of relatives. At night the house is cleaned.

Then they go through the whole village with the effigy of Maslenitsa and burn it under joyful choirs and the ashes are scattered in the fields so that they have a good harvest.
Now of all these traditions, only pancakes and burning teddy remain, but this does not make the holiday any less fun.Fun parties, games and competitions are held in city parks,they sell fragrant pancakes, and at the end. they burn the effigy of the carnival.

“Burn, burn clearly so it doesn’t go out.”

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