
Stewardess secrets part 2

Let’s see what else the flight attendants of the aircraft can surprise us with.

Sleep at work

We can’t imagine the pressure pilots have to endure every time they do their job. Flying an airplane is not easy, and any mistake can cost tens or hundreds of lives. With that in mind, you might think that pilots need to be on their toes all the time they are in the seat, but that’s actually not the case.
It seems that the pilots even took a little nap during the work, despite all the great responsibility they have to bear. This is because planes practically fly by themselves when they are already in the air. Pilots play a very important role during takeoff and landing maneuvers, but their workload is greatly reduced in between. Of course, this is one of their best flight stunts, because they are not going to admit that they like to take a nap at work.
Drink limit
In addition to hot and non-alcoholic drinks, other drinks can be consumed during the flight. Sometimes it’s the best way to fly, especially when the plane is full of screaming kids. However, you need to make sure you don’t lose control by drinking on the plane. If the flight attendant tells you that you have already had a drink, she will cut off your drink.
This is because it is illegal for them to provide substances that intentionally intoxicate their passengers. The last thing they want to do is break the law for someone they don’t even know, so they’ll just turn you down if that happens. Also, you shouldn’t try to claim because it’s also illegal to be intoxicated on a flight.
In emergencies
It is bad when a person urgently needs medical assistance in flight. Unfortunately, these things happen sometimes, so you have to be prepared for anything that can happen at any time. Fortunately, all flight crew members are trained to deal with these kinds of problems. Before a person can work as a flight attendant, it is important that they know things like performing CPR or the Heimlich maneuver.
This way they can provide assistance when there is an emergency on the plane. Of course, there are many things that these people can learn without medical education. For this reason, if there is a problem that they cannot handle, they always ask if there is a doctor on board.
Sometimes the best way to feel comfortable in flight is to use pillows. They will not only help you relax, but also make it easier for you to sleep on the plane. This is ideal if you want to avoid jet lag before you arrive at your destination. Unfortunately, as comfortable as these pillows are, they are not entirely hygienic.
Apparently they don’t wash them for the rest of the day, which could mean you’re sleeping on foreign germs. We don’t think this is the right thing to do, especially if you’re going on vacation. It might be a good idea to invest in your own travel pillow, just so you don’t catch something bad on your trip.
Sources of microbes
Not only pillows are covered with germs. Blankets also have the same problems because they are not cleaned until they have been used a few times. But of course, that’s nothing compared to dinner trays. It seems that these things are more often used to leave dirty things than food, but this is not the worst thing.
It is reported that these trays are washed only once a day. Now imagine how many germs they can have when they put food on them. No wonder so many people get sick after flying somewhere. Another one of the best flying tricks: avoid these accessories or bring your own. Airplanes are often breeding grounds for germs because they are not properly cleaned.
limited oxygen
The main reason why people are afraid to fly is because they are afraid that the plane will crash. Obviously, there is a risk that this will happen, just like when traveling in any other vehicle. But the likelihood of a plane crash is relatively low. However, if the aircraft is in trouble, it is very important to know what you are doing.
The reason flight attendants always do safety demonstrations before every flight is so you know how to take care of yourself and get out unscathed in an emergency. Before each flight, they insist on how to put on an oxygen mask. What they don’t say, however, is that these measures can only provide us with oxygen for 12-15 minutes. For this reason, as a precautionary measure, it is advisable to know one more of the best emergency flight techniques – it is important not to panic in any of these situations, because then we breathe faster and consume more oxygen.
Dirtier than it looks
The plane floor can look pretty clean when you’re trying to find your seat. However, looks are deceiving. You may not notice an overly obvious clutter, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. There are many things that end up on the floor while traveling, from bits of food and drinks to bodily fluids.
It’s not worth thinking about what might have fallen there, especially given the carelessness that aviation personnel seem to show when it comes to cleaning. If things like food trays and pillows are only washed once a day, what are the chances that the floor will get a special treatment? No wonder flight attendants don’t like being barefoot on planes. They really know how dirty the floor can be.
Silently studying you
Every time you board a plane, you can expect a flight attendant and a flight attendant to stand at the door with a smile, welcoming you on board. As we said, they are here to count the number of passengers and make sure everyone is on the plane. However, that’s not all they do. Apparently another trick to flying safely is that it’s also an opportunity to rate travelers and see if they’ll have to spy on you.
This can be for two reasons: because your help may be needed during the flight, or because you may be one of those people who can create problems with your behavior. You could never have known that you are being scrutinized so closely, greeting you with a smile. However, behind this sweet behavior, you should know that you are being judged in good faith. It’s just another way to make sure they do their job effectively.
Exercise of your rights
It’s possible that if you’ve ever flown an airplane, you’ve experienced delays. This seems to be a common thing, although these issues are usually taken into account during flight. While some of these delays are quite short, like 15 minutes or so, others last for hours. And in such situations, you have to make a decision.
Apparently, if you stood on the airfield for three hours without moving, you have every right to get off the plane. The responsible staff cannot force you to stay longer than this time. What’s more, reports show that flight attendants are also required to provide passengers with water and food in the event that a delay exceeds two hours. Not that much, but at least something.
Dark adaptation
Have you ever wondered why airplane lights go out at the beginning and end of a flight? During security demonstrations, no one knows why this is done, although there is no point in keeping it a secret either. Apparently, it serves to help the passengers’ eyes adjust to the ambient light, this is one of the tricks of flying on an airplane in an emergency.
Takeoffs and landings are the most difficult flight maneuvers because that’s when there’s the greatest risk of something going wrong. If something were to happen right now, it’s entirely possible that the lights would go out. Obviously, it can be difficult to navigate when you suddenly find yourself in the dark. But, if we give our eyes enough time to get used to the dark, then this is a much lesser problem.
There has been a lot of discussion over the years about whether the seat belt position is useful. This position was originally introduced as a way to help passengers protect themselves in the event of an accident. However, people soon began to doubt its effectiveness.
They said that adopting this pose, where we lower our head and place it on our knees, can actually be a problem. This issue has been discussed for a long time, although fears that this is a dangerous position now seem to have dissipated. It seems that the position of the corset is actually ideal if an accident is imminent because it will help protect your vital organs from serious damage and therefore could save your life. In an emergency, this is one of the most important aspects of flying.
Looking good
If you want to get a job as a flight attendant or flight attendant, you should know that there are certain criteria that you must meet. First, no dyed hair. Apparently, airline employees are only allowed to wear natural-colored hair, apparently because it causes less controversy among travelers. In addition, you must have a certain height, although it all depends on the airline and the specifics of the job.
After all, you need to reach the luggage compartments in the upper part of the cabin without any problems, and you also need to be not too high so as not to hit your head. All this may seem very finicky, but if you’re going to be flying for several hours, you don’t need to squat all the time either. It’s not good for the body.
Not for all
One could easily assume that flight attendants have a really comfortable job. Spend the day flying from one exotic location to another, working on something that many wouldn’t find too difficult. However, while it may seem like they have a very glamorous life, this is not the case.
Flight attendants and flight attendants often have to deal with jet lag as they constantly fly between different time zones and sometimes work in shifts. They also don’t see as much as their loved ones would like because they are always in a different part of the world. In fact, being a flight attendant requires a lot of sacrifice, so it’s definitely not a job for everyone. For our part, we appreciate all those who do this! This is a brave and dedicated work.

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