

The Day of the Innocents began to be celebrated in the 17th century, Peter 1 spent a lot of time in German territory and, most likely, learned about the tradition from there, later approving the “funny reform”. He founded a comic order, where state and church officials were parodied. Along with public theater, fireworks, ceremonial boat-on-water events, and art, they were the turning points of Russia. Fun and laughter are in human nature, they have been used to relieve tension and elicit positive emotions.

On this day, acquaintances and friends make jokes and make fun of them, many jokes have already become traditions and are repeated year after year.
There is a rule that all pranks must be polite and harmless.
The first event in Russia took place in 1703. Heralds walked down the street and called people to the square to see the performance.

Previously, the most popular joke was to tell a person: “Your whole back is white”, the person himself could not verify this and had to bend down in a funny way.
Now they say that shoelaces are untied, a thread is tied in the rear, a piece of paper with a funny inscription is imperceptibly pasted on the back, there is talk of an event that will not happen or of news that does not exist, sugar in the sugar bowl is replaced with salt .. The authorities play subordinates with funny orders.
The main thing is that everyone should have fun, it is forbidden to do anything offensive or likely to upset a person.

The main objective of April Fools’ Day is to relax and laugh at jokes and practical jokes.

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