
Travel conversations part 3


 Today I am talking with a traveler who has traveled almost half of the world, a photographer, a connoisseur of Petersburg, Vadim Trifonov.

Vadim Trifonov graduated from the photography school-studio “Smena”. Since 2014, a member of the “Accent-Photo” Association of St. Petersburg. The first publications and collective photo exhibitions have been held since 2006, including an exhibition in Israel in 2010 .. Personal exhibitions since 2008. And the first photobook “Petersburg Style” was published in 2009.
The author of the article of the magazine “Pygmalion” – “In the lens – emotion” in 2012.
Also, he entered the top ten photographers of 2013 of the National Geographic Russia clu
Автор статьи журнала “Пигмалион” -“В объективе -эмоция” в 2012 году.
Также, вошел в десятку лучших фотографов 2013 года клуба “National Geographic Россия”.
Vadim prefers to travel by car. Therefore, his last photobook, published in 2015, is called “Europe through the car window.” 168 photos, 14 European countries, tens of thousands of kilometers ..

“This story is about independent adventures along the roads of Europe, which leave a mark in the memory and in the heart for a lifetime. I am doubly happy because I save these moments in my photos and can share what I saw with you.” V. Trifonov.

Passion for photography appeared in childhood, and with the advent of digital cameras, the skill continued to improve.

For example, in this photo there is an inverted reflection. Have you noticed?)

A feature is the almost complete absence of photo editing.

“I am for naturalness and natural colors.”

Vadim’s favorite subjects are reflections of objects and fogs. In a foggy haze, landscapes look mystical, veiled. Providing room for imagination. An original approach and ideas, hunting behind the scenes, choosing a composition and the ability to wait for a long time until the frame acquires the necessary parameters, shoot at night or in the early morning when the streets are deserted, make the photographs unique

“The shot must be felt, and betray the mood, atmosphere” – says Vadim.

The idea of ​​creating a photobook came after one of the personal photo exhibitions.

In 2013, “The Romance of St. Petersburg” was published, dedicated to his wife Tatyana, who supplemented the photographs with romantic comments in the form of her poems.

Romance of White Nights, drawbridges, misty mornings and echoes of booming footsteps, milky shadows, fluffy snow at sunset. Sensitively noticed shots leave no chances not to feel the atmosphere of the city.

“This is a story about one of the most amazing cities in the world, which is difficult to speak with words. It conquers with its silence, grandeur and beauty. It is beautiful. I hope comments on the photos will complement this romantic story.” Trifonov.

At the moment, the third edition of the book about St. Petersburg is being prepared for release, which will also include new works.

Vadim’s books fly to different parts of the world with numerous tourists. Working in the tourism industry and communicating while traveling open the boundaries for new acquaintances.

Also, tourists use his photo book as a guide. Almost all of Europe is reflected in these pages. Amazingly beautiful and sometimes unknown, non-tourist places, in bright colors or mysterious foggy haze, attract new explorers.

Postcards have been printed on some of the photographs.

When I asked about the need to have high-quality photographic equipment, Vadim joked with an anecdote:

“Once a photographer comes to visit a woman, she treats him and asks:“ You have such beautiful photographs, probably a good camera? ”To which he replies:“ You have such delicious food, probably good pots ”.



Vadim tries to be positive and believes that everything will always be fine.

Photos freeze time, preserve moments so that you can take your breath away from memories. They preserve history, emotions and a piece of life. And travel photos have a special aura of adventurism.

“Wandering is the best thing in the world. When you wander, you grow rapidly, and everything that you saw is deposited even on your appearance. I recognize people who have traveled a lot from a thousand. Wanderings cleanse, intertwine meetings, centuries, books and love. They are make us akin to the sky. If we have received yet unproven happiness to be born, then we must at least see the earth. ”   Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

You can buy Vadim Trifonov’s photo books in bookstores in the city or from the author.

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