Russia,  Saint Petersburg

Unusual monuments in Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg has an abundance of cultural objects. Everything, epochs, styles, countries are united here: Egyptian sphinxes, Chinese gazebo, Buddhist datsan, unusual courtyards, Kamchatka boiler house, John Lennon street (Pushkinskaya, 10), etc.

We will walk around the city and visit some of them.


What associations do you have when thinking about St. Petersburg?) It is strange that the idea for this composition came up only now. Rain is an integral symbol of the city. And in most cases, an umbrella is useless here. In case of gusts of heavy wind, it has no chance. Here and The monument looks like someone threw out a useless umbrella, annoyed by the incessant streams of water. It appeared in the Izmailovsky Gostiny Dvor shopping center quite recently and there is already a tradition of asking him for good weather.



There are many perpetuations of the poet in the city, so another one opened in the park near the house number 3 on the street. Savushkin June 6, 2016 – on the occasion of the poet’s next birthday. Here are Pushkin’s personal belongings, an open book and a pen. As if the poet went for a walk in search of inspiration. On the stone, behind the bench, are carved lines from the writer’s poem

I am waiting for you, my belated friend –
revive the heartfelt traditions with the fire of a magic story ;
Let’s talk about the stormy days of the Caucasus,
About Schiller, about fame, about love …


Everyone knows the eternal disputes between Moscow and St. Petersburg on the theme of the front door, shawarma-shawarma, chicken, bun, badlon, buckwheat, etc. This monument calls on the capitals to live together. It appeared at 12 Basseinaya str., Near Moskovsky pr., In 2017 The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Moscow district of St. Petersburg. The creator V. Bukhaev, the author of Chizhik-Pyzhik and the sculpture of S. Dovlatov on Rubinshteina street, attended the opening ceremony, which was held with humor, charades and and summed up that he wanted to open a similar monument in Moscow, on Leningradsky pr.

Also, on Fontanka Embankment, 79, there is another monument to the St. Petersburg curb. The charity organization “Thank you” placed a commemorative plaque on the edge of the embankment. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 313rd anniversary of the foundation of St. Petersburg.
 Elisha the cat and Vasilisa the cat

They have been living on M. Sadovaya Street, in the center of the city since 2000, as befits cats, high, on the eaves of a house, installed in memory of saving the city from rodents during the war. After the blockade of Leningrad, hundreds of rats flooded the city. It was decided to bring cats to the city, several carriages with mustache arrived. Some of the cats were sent to the Hermitage.

This bronze feline pair had some adventures. In 2014, Vasilisa was kidnapped, found in Moscow and returned to her place to continue to delight the townspeople.

Monument to the St. Petersburg Angel

An umbrella in hand speaks of the fact that this is a real Petersburger. The angel settled on a bench in the Izmailovsky Garden in 2012. It was created by puppeteer Roman Shustrov. At the opening of the monument, the author himself said that he had dedicated it to the elderly and old people of Leningrad and St. Petersburg. “These people have absorbed all the hardships of the 20th century, but they still retained their warmth.” warmth and sincerity.

Monument to the chimney

One of the laws of Germany says – “You must not let the chimney sweep into the house,” they say, the law is still relevant. To meet a chimney sweep has always been considered a good omen, and in St. Petersburg there is such an opportunity. It is enough to walk to house 1-3 along B. Moskovskaya street. and raise your eyes to the sky. The chimney sweep took his place there in 2006, the story is connected with the activities of the hereditary chimney sweep SP Kurnosov, the founder and leader of the Petersburg chimney sweep society, he became the prototype of this sculpture. His conscientious work was noted by the authorities.

Monument to Peter I at the Mikhailovsky Castle

What is unusual about the monument erected by Paul I in 1800 with the inscription “To my great-grandfather from my great-grandson?” If you step away and look closely, you can see that the horse’s front leg, the one that stands straight … human. This is a woman’s foot in a shoe. There are many versions of the appearance of this leg. A small revenge that the author was not paid for the work, the leg of the beloved sculptor, a reminder of the beloved horse of Peter with the female name Lisette, whose stuffed animal is now in the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. Well, Petersburg keeps its secrets, that’s why he and mystical.

And on the bas-relief of the monument there is a polished sailor’s heel, which is rubbed to attract good luck.

Horses on the Anichkov bridge

There is another legend associated with horses. Initially, the sculptures symbolize the taming of the elements. But there are curious details. Only two out of four horses are shod. There are two versions of the explanation. The shod stand facing the west, so they are ready for war, the barefoot is to the east, with peaceful purposes. There is another explanation. Shod horses go from the forges on Liteiny. People called the bridge “the bridge of 18 eggs”, because. From the moment it was opened until 1917, a policeman was constantly on duty on the bridge. And if you look closely at the horse on the right, on the odd side, closer to the Admiralty, you can see something captured by Klodt in an unusual place, someone’s face on … the horse’s genitals. There is a version that this is the lover of the sculptor’s wife, and instead of being challenged to a duel, he took revenge in this way.


Not far from the site of the monument, in house number 6 on the Fontanka embankment, from 1835 to 1918 was located the Imperial School of Jurisprudence, whose students wore green uniforms with yellow buttonholes and cuffs. For the color of this uniform, reminiscent of the plumage of a siskin, as well as for the traditional fawn hats, the students of the school were nicknamed “fawn siskins”, and it was about them that the famous song was composed:

Chizhik-fawn, where have you been?
I drank vodka on the Fontanka.
I drank a glass, drank two –
Rustled in my head.

The idea of ​​the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik was expressed by the writer Andrey Bitov during the festival of satire and humor “Golden Ostap” in 1994 and was implemented together with R. Gabriadze.

This is the smallest monument in St. Petersburg, height 11 cm, weight 5 kg.

There is a belief according to which, if you make a wish and hit the pedestal on which Chizhik-Pyzhik stands (the coin must certainly remain on the stone), then the wish will come true. There is another tradition for newlyweds: the groom must lower the filled glass tied on a rope to the monument and clink glasses with the beak of the siskin without breaking it. This is a guarantee of happiness for a young family.

During the existence of the monument, it was stolen seven times, but each time it was returned or restored anew.



On the Hare Island, these fluffy animals cannot be ignored, especially since they lived here in large numbers.

Before entering the fortress, you are greeted by the “Bunny who escaped the flood.” It was installed in May 2003, to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. It is customary to throw coins on the pedestal of a bunny, for good luck. The hare has a name-Arseny. In consonance with the former Finnish name Osirova Ienisaari

There are many legends about the friendship between hares and Peter I. And now they live in the fortress. In 2015, a group of hares fleeing from the flood appeared at the Commandant’s house. Not without reason, under the Neva gate of the fortress, there is a “Chronicle of floods” since 1752. indicating a rise in the water level.

At the entrance to the Engineering House of the fortress, an imposing hare in a courteous costume from the times of Peter the Great sat down, showing the sign of victory to passers-by.

Another hare, also fleeing the flood on a log, roams around the Peter and Paul Fortress.



Who among us has not read Gogol’s “The Nose”? The monument is a slab with the nose of Major Kovalev breathing Petersburg. The nose was immortalized at 11 Voznesensky Prospect, in 1995 during the festival of satire and humor “Golden Ostap” held in St. Petersburg “, By the authors who have already decorated the city of Chizhik-Pyzhik. It is here, on Voznesensky Prospect, that the events of Gogol’s story begin.

In 2002, the Nose suddenly disappeared. A lot of jokes then went about, they say, the nose walks around the city as befits. But the Nose never returned, and then they decided to make another one.

In general, there are three monuments to Nose in the city.)



Installed in memory of a dog, located at 94 Sadovaya Street. The symbol of loyalty, love and devotion to man. The creator of this monument is Aram Arevikyan. According to Arevikyan’s idea, Gerasim at that moment went to a cafe nearby, and the dog remained to guard his boots and an apron. The monument to Mum appeared in 2004 on the 150th anniversary of the publication of the work in the Sovremennik magazine, as evidenced by the memorial plaque on the building. This is a sculpture not only for a dog, but also for all animals that people have caused pain and suffering. It looks very soulful.

Monument to Faina Ranevskaya

In the courtyard of the house on 32 Sizov Avenue, in the summer of 2019, a monument to the actress was erected as part of the Year of the Theater .. The sculpture depicts Ranevskaya, picturesquely resting on a cozy bench in the image of the unforgettable Lyalya from the comedy “Foundling.” , you just have to get sick … “The sculptor S. Zhokhov made this sculpture thirteen years ago on the basis of his diploma work in 2008. Employees of the municipal entity” Dolgoye Lake “saw a plaster model in his workshop and it was realized in bronze.

Monument to the photographer

The monument to the St. Petersburg photographer was erected in 2001. The place for the elegant sculpture was not chosen by chance, it was on Malaya Sadovaya, in house number 3, from the beginning of the 20th century until the 1930s, the photo studio of the famous Bull dynasty of photo masters was located. Their work immortalized famous politicians, scientists and artists, the most important events in Russian history, masterpieces of Petersburg architecture (many of which have already been lost and live only in these pictures). hand and take a picture with him, there will be good luck.


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