Chile,  South America


   Having landed early in the morning in Santiago, where the previously booked transfer was already waiting for us, we went to the city of colorful houses, Valpariiso.

   The city began as a port, with all that it implies. It left a double impression. On the one hand, colorful houses, beautiful in places, architecture, which seems to be designed to hide the true essence and poverty. On the other hand, the smell of urine on the streets, strange personalities, a huge number of slums where it is dangerous to enter. The city is divided into Upper and Lower. Definitely a city of stairs, ups and downs.

   At the entrance to the city, there is an observation deck by the ocean. Windsheep) But it’s warm, here you can already feel the summer with might and main, what a blessing that the endless rain is left behind. Now you can enjoy the sun.

   The observation deck is already in the city, the port is visible.

  We ate in a restaurant, which is considered the very first restaurant in Valparaiso. The interior resembles an attic or a pantry littered with old, unnecessary things. The walls are painted, the benches are greasy, the dishes are dirty. I asked the woman to wash the glasses. The cat also sleeps wherever he pleases. Animals are loved here. )

   We ordered “Chorrillana”. Very fatty potatoes with meat and onions, but tasty and satisfying. They take out one huge plate, they put everything on themselves, vegetables are also on a separate common plate. Palmitos (similar to asparagus in taste), tomatoes, herbs.

   After lunch we went to see the house of Pablo Neruda, a famous Chilean diplomat and poet. He had 3 houses in different places, the house in Valparaiso is called La Sebastiana, after the name of the previous owner. The house stands on a hill overlooking the ocean. floors with furnishings and objects brought from travels. Nobody wanted to go inside (maybe next time.

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