
Immersion in Russian culture, the history of a Latin American

Mystical journey across Russia

“Going with my wife to Paris is like going to Tula with a samovar.” This phrase of Anton Chekhov appeared in my life when I was very young and did not yet understand it. My aunts were teachers, and I lived with them for 8 years, a huge library, which I immersed in in the evenings, helped to unravel the mystery and meaning of this phrase, and also developed in me a passion for Russian literature. Then I finished studying literature at the most important university in my city.

This detailed fact became the gateway to my frequent return to Russian culture, over time, the Russian Cultural Center began to function in my city, which allowed me to get significantly closer to various artistic, musical, gastronomic, literary disciplines, among others


At one time, there was a communist government in my country that had close relations with the Soviet Union, and as part of a cultural impulse, the government created the QUIMANTU publishing house, which was responsible for preparing and issuing mini-pocket books to workers so that they could read Russian literature while commuting to work and back home. These books were later banned when my country survived a coup and was subjected to a military dictatorship with world isolation for 20 years. My always rebellious family hid these books, and then I inherited them by my own decision, and this was my first approach to Russian literature. I went to school and read these books, luckily I had a large collection so I really enjoyed it. Then I met great writers, heroes of Russian world literature.

My country is long and it can take many hours to get to the city, so my travels were decorated and accompanied by these books during my childhood, which I enjoyed more than analyzing books, applying literary theories.

Finally, following the ideology of Yevgeny Zamyatin “A man is like a novel, until you reach the last page, you do not know how it will end, otherwise you should not read.”

I decided to write my own novel, living my own stories, and Russian literature inspired me enough to delve into my own secrets. And I think that Dostoevsky would be proud of me and saw that his phrase “Try to read smart and serious books, and life will do the rest” is followed with devotion.


After nearly 20 years of cultural eclipse, my country has regained its freedom, and with it cultural expression. The world, which had already conspired not to come to Chile with its shows if the military dictatorship continued, began to come to Chile with energy, eager to embrace such a damaged country, despite the distance.

As part of this renaissance, some of the Bolshoi Ballet began to come regularly, managing to captivate my deepest sensitivity, seeing the subtlety and precision in their movements. It is impossible not to get excited, and fortunately I was able to communicate with his dancers for long minutes and see his discipline and rigor for the development of artistic expression. It really marked me, because I started out as a musician. And while doing this discipline, I understood artistic expression as something sacred, in which you must completely surrender in order to be able to connect deeper with what you are doing. Accustomed to seeing artists talk and philosophize about their talent, instead of wasting time preparing and being the best in their discipline, I managed to perfectly connect with this Russian way of working. To this day, I maintain the discipline that allows me to enjoy what I do. Along with this, I develop my taste for dance, not really ballet, but if you dance, there is a perfect rhythm to move me and release the energy that I accumulate inside.


As a healthcare worker, when a Russian cultural center was being established in my city, they needed a professional who could serve Russian citizens who did not have health insurance because they were immigrants. I knew about this and offered to visit them 2 days a week for free, but on condition that they would invite me to all Russian cultural events that they would organize.

And that was about 5 years during which I was able to enjoy Russian film screenings, celebrate Victory Day with them, take a Russian language course, culinary events, watch folklore shows, and they even invited me to join a folk music group. But, unfortunately, due to lack of time, I could not master the Russian language in order to fully integrate.

In this house, I could feel very comfortable and happy knowing the stories and sacrifices of these Russian emigrants who left their distant cities to settle in South America.

Without much support, they managed to carry out fantastic events that fill them with emotions when remembering their country. Along with this, they managed to spread Russian culture in Chile, and every day more and more local residents came and participated in their events.

Unfortunately, due to the fear of the pandemic, they have recently been left without activity and have lost the physical place where they worked, I hope that they will soon return in glory and greatness.

If you want to know more, you can visit


Of course, you can never imagine how difficult it is for a South American to understand Russian society, and over time I realized that many Russians do not understand their own country either, but they know how to live and enjoy it, despite the difficulties, both climatic and and the economic, political and large historical burdens that they have.

Russia undoubtedly underwent tremendous changes and had to learn to find itself anew. This allows Russia to have a gigantic diversity within this country, I mean cultural and ethnic.

I was always interested in their way of life, and I was always attracted by the Trans-Siberian Railway, Lake Baikal and the way people fish in the lake in winter. Currently, I have a Russian friend who showed me a magical and wonderful country, so I was not only able to meet tourists, but also ordinary people. I was able to gradually understand the difference between Siberia and the south of Russia. The architecture and beauty of not only a huge cathedral with large domes, but also the beauty of a wooden cathedral.

Find out the meaning of the number of flowers in a bouquet and other symbols in Russian society, cooking, dressing.

But, without a doubt, the most important thing is that I discovered how well prepared Russians are culturally and how much they love to read, and they always have a desire to learn more. And while there is still a lot to learn, I have seen with my own eyes that Russians, although they find it difficult to laugh, smile with their souls, and whenever you get to know their culture, you will understand how important their story is to them and why they have such a strong attitude. to life and respect for their culture and traditions, they carry it with pride, because finally what comes out of their own country is a reflection of who they are.

“Mad geniuses dream of great things; natural-born fighters are executed; happy sane people enjoy them; and useless chronicles criticize them.” (Unknown author).

Russian culture is as magical as it is mysterious …

I was happy to get to know Russia and its culture, and this gave rise to great respect for this country and its people, which engraved the poem in my heart. I invite you to write your own novel in the Russian world.

“Who told you that in Russia there is no truth, fidelity, eternal love? Let the vile tongue of a liar be cut off!” M. Bulgakov.

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